About Us

Bedi Fitness Blog

Providing you Information and Tips about Fitness. The purpose of this blog is to give all kinds of Information to keep you Fit. So you can gain your vast knowledge through this blog to stay Fit And Healthy (physically and Mentally). This blog will be so Educational and Entertained for you. This blog is about Fitness, Gym Workout, Diet Plans, Exercises, Cardio etc.

I do lots of fitness stuff. Actually, I do lots of things.

As a writer and fitness and nutrition consultant I’m on the leading edge of healthy living and wellness. I help people stay fit and healthy by learning how to live better, save money, manage stress and set the pace for our health. I keep it simple, providing personal and accountability help to people who need it. You can learn more about me at my website or my blog, Bedi Fitness Blog.

I’m also a writer, taking my hobbies of writing fitness stuff and nutrition advice and combining them. You can find my fitness related blogs at bedifitnessblog.blogspot.com.

I’m not sure how I’m going to top last year’s amazing fitness and diet work, but if I can do it, I’ll definitely share it. Hopefully you’ll stick with me as I keep on taking on the challenges of work, school and parenting and learn new things to keep healthy and fit.

With so many challenges out there in the world, it’s hard to keep up with all of them, and I want to help my readers do that. So I’ll keep on sharing the top tips I learn from all of them, the best workouts and the best diets, so you can stay fit and healthy and live well.

Stay tuned guys.